Sunday, December 19, 2010

Stars Say The Stupidest Things!!!!!

Ok guys, over the past couple years, I've noticed that many "stars" say increadibly stupid and idiotic phrases. Seriously retards, if you don't know what your saying or talking about, then SHUT UP and don't say it!! Here are some examples of stars that have said the stupidest things that just make you wanna slap them in the face :)

Britney Spears said...."I get to go to lots of oversea places, like Canada." OR, "I've never really wanted to go to Japan. Simply because I don't like eating fish. And I know that's very popular out there in Africa."
SERIOUSLY Britney? I think your much smarter than that -_-*

Paris Hilton said....." they like make walls there?" 
This is a typical case of stupidity...I mean, are you kidding me? You have that much money that you don't even know what Wal-Mart is? I bet her t.v. is programed only to have Chanel, Louis-Vuitton, Gucci, Prada etc commercials. OBVIOUSLY she has a classic case of dumb blonde syndrome.

Lindsey Lohan said..."People go to college to find who they are as a person and find what they want to do in life, and I kind of already know that so it would be like I'd be taking a step back or something"
AND, this is why stupid people like her won't even get accepted into college!!!

Here are some of the things that "stars" have said that really just make you sit back and think about why they are so well known and have so much money!

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